SRC PJ Day & Family Breakfast

SRC has decided to participate in Gippsland’s Biggest PJ Day on Friday 9th September to raise money for foster children. This event is organized by the ‘Better Life for Foster Kids’ organization. The SRC liked the idea that we were fundraising for a local organization and thought it was good to help out kids who needed support.

Everyone will be asked to bring along a gold coin donation and wear their pyjamas/onesies or oodies for the day.

We will start the day with a family breakfast and invite parents/carers along to join us for breakfast in their PJs at 8.40am. It should be fun.


Catholic Social Teaching challenges us to live responsibly and build a just society. We believe that every person is precious and that people are more important than things. That is why we organise activities like this where we are actively helping those who need our support.


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