At St. Michael’s Primary School we aim to provide a challenging and motivating curriculum that builds on students’ knowledge and understandings of themselves and the world around them. In keeping with the Catholic ethos, our curriculum aims to develop the whole child and not just promote his or her academic potential.
The curriculum programs at our school reflect current educational trends and research in line with the Victorian Department of Education and Training’s requirements and the requirements of the Catholic Education Office. Our curriculum programs follow the Victorian Curriculum.
The current learning programs incorporate strategies from the Early Years and Middle Years of Schooling, WA First Steps and the Principles of Learning and Teaching. Where possible, the key learning areas are integrated to enhance student learning.
Some features of our curriculum programs:
Religious Education
- Preparation for Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation
- Faith celebrations
- Connecting Bible characters and stories, especially the Gospels, to real life
- Prayer and reflection
- Christian Service & Social Justice – fundraising and helping in our local community and the broader community
- Whole school literacy assessment (Benchmark Assessement System)
- Literacy support through specialised programs (Levelled Literacy Intervention, Barton Reading)
- Scheduled library classes
- Book week celebrations each year
- Daily targeted small group learning
- Whole school maths assessment (MAI)
- Maths intervention and assistance
- Daily targeted small group learning
- Linking maths and technology
Integrated Studies
- Two year cycle for integrated studies, based on Victorian Curriculum
- Inquiry focused
- Participation in community events
- Excursions linked to curriculum programs
- Human Powered Vehicle Challenge
- Camps in middle and senior grades
- Big Day Out for P-2
The Arts
(Music, Drama, Art)
- Specialist Art Teacher
- Music lessons in the classroom
- Bi-annual whole school theatre/musical production
- Bi-annual student art exhibition
- School choir
- Multi-age days
- Digital Technologies integrated into class program
- Computer lab
- One-to-one notebooks for years 4 – 6
- Coding and robotics
- Recording studio and animation
- Radio Station and podcast broadcasting
Health and Physical Education
- Physical Education classes from P-6
- Whole school sports days and carnivals
- Swimming lessons
- Gymnastics Program
- Inter-school sport
- Whole school student wellbeing focuses
Languages Other Than English
- Italian classes from P-6
- Multi-age days
- Celebrating and respecting other cultures