Important information about school resuming

Dear Parents/Carers,

Now that we have a bit of certainty around school resuming onsite, I thought I would go over a few ‘housekeeping’ details and some health and safety rules. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if I have missed anything.

Physical distancing

The health advice we have been given is that physical distancing is not required for students during classroom activities. However, where it is reasonable, we will encourage students to practise social distancing. This includes times such as lining up and limiting whole school gatherings. We will consider alternatives for assembly. Adults at school are required to maintain social and physical distancing as much as it is possible to do so within a school environment.

Hand Hygiene

We will reinforce the message of maintaining good health and hygiene habits with students. This includes regular washing of hands with soap and water and the use of hand sanitiser. Students will be required to sanitise their hands any time before eating and before and after recess breaks and lunch breaks. Please notify your child’s classroom teacher if your child is not able to use hand sanitiser and we will ensure they wash their hands with soap and water. We will have hand sanitiser in each room within the school and two wall mounted sanitisers in the corridor.


Additional cleaning and sanitising has been organised during the day. During recess, whilst students are not in the school building, all classroom tables will be disinfected and other surfaces such as door handles and light switches will be sanitised. The inside toilets will also be cleaned. At the end of recess, the ramp rails, playground and outside toilets will be cleaned. At the end of the school day, all areas will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected again. Where possible, sporting equipment will also be disinfected at the end of the day.

Student Pick Up and Drop Off

To help minimise risk to students and staff, we ask that parents/carers avoid entering the school building unless absolutely necessary. Student pick up and drop off can be made at each school gate and parents/carers are asked not to congregate in groups and maintain social distancing. Staff will be in attendance before and after school to supervise student entry to and from school.

Unwell students

If your child is unwell they should not attend school. We have very strict guidelines in relation to this and if a child comes to school unwell or becomes unwell during the day then we are required to contact the parents/carers so that they can be sent home immediately. If we are unable to contact parents, then emergency contacts will be rung. Unwell students will be moved to the sick bay and supervised by a staff member until they are picked up. Your child may be asked to wear a face mask if they are coughing or sneezing whilst waiting to be picked up (this is only if a face mask doesn’t cause them distress or compromise their health needs).

Drink bottles

As per the end of last term, all students are required to bring a water bottle to school. The drinking taps are turned off as shared water fountains are not particularly hygienic in these circumstances.

Sports Days for term 2

Classroom teachers will be organising sports activities for students. They will be mindful of planning activities that limit the use of shared equipment. Sports days will be the same as term 1 – Mondays and Wednesdays. Sports uniform is to be worn on these days.

From the 26th May, all students who are at school will be required to wear school uniform. As it is term 2, this will be winter uniform. Students will not be permitted to ride their scooters in the school ground from the 26th May.

Finally, I’d like to thank all parents for supporting their children during this time of upheaval. I am sure that our P-3 parents/carers will be relieved to hand over the baton to their child’s classroom teacher and our 4-6 parents now have an end in sight.

Please contact me if you have any concerns or questions.



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