Term 4 begins

Hi everyone,

We are ready to start back at school for term 4 and we hope you are as well. School starts at the normal time of 8.40am and, as it is term 4, it is summer uniform and hats need to be worn. Please use your judgement though and if it seems too cold let your child wear long school pants/tracksuit pants etc. Mondays and Wednesdays continue to be sports days so it is sports uniform tomorrow. Students will also need to make sure they have a drink bottle as we no longer have drinking fountains due to corona virus.
Don’t forget, in the mornings only the Davis St gate and the church gates will be opened so that we can monitor students’ temperature as they enter the school. All three gates will be opened at the end of the day.
Thanks again for your wonderful commitment to home learning and the way in which you have respected the rules to keep everyone safe. Let’s hope that this term is ‘uneventful’.
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